Physical Description

The Yellow-spotted Cadlina, scientifically known as Cadlina flavomaculata, exhibits a ground color ranging from very light cream to pale yellow. Its dorsum features small, low tubercles, and a series of 6-10 or more small, lemon yellow dots running longitudinally on either side of the dorsum, from just posterior of the rhinophores to just posterior of the branchial plumes. Rhinophores are brown to almost black, with 8-12 lamellae. Branchial plumes number 10-12, uni- to bipinnate, appearing light cream to yellow. Yellow-spotted Cadlinas typically measure about 15mm in length, although specimens may reach 21mm.

Habitat and Geographical Range

Yellow-spotted Cadlinas inhabit the eastern Pacific coast.

What They Eat and How They Breed

While specific dietary habits and breeding behaviors of Yellow-spotted Cadlinas are not extensively documented, they likely feed on various marine organisms found in their habitat and reproduce through typical nudibranch breeding mechanisms.

Similar Nudibranchs

There are several species of white dorid nudibranchs found in Monterey. For species often mistaken for the yellow-spotted dorid, check out these links.