Physical Description

The Smooth-tooth Aeolis, scientifically known as Flabellina pricei, features a translucent greyish-white body. Its foot has an irregularly broken band of opaque white along the dorsal edge, with occasional pale orange spots dorsally on the head. The cerata are arranged in 9-12 or more transverse rows, tipped with opaque white and bearing a subterminal band of rich brown transitioning into yellow below. Oral tentacles are translucent greyish-white with opaque white encrustation, while the rhinophores are pale yellow-green distally, exhibiting 8-11 complete annuli alternating with incomplete annuli on the posterior face of the clavus. The foot corners are somewhat elongated, and the species typically reaches about 25mm in length.

Habitat and Geographical Range

Found along the eastern Pacific coast, the Smooth-tooth Aeolis inhabits various marine environments within its geographical range.

What They Eat and How They Breed

Flabellina pricei likely feeds on specific types of marine organisms, possibly including hydroids or other soft-bodied invertebrates. Reproduction in this species involves mating behavior, with individuals exchanging sperm for fertilization. After fertilization, females typically lay eggs, often in gelatinous masses on suitable substrates.