Ridge-tailed Dorid

Ridge-tailed Dorid

Diaphorodoris lirulatocauda

Physical Description

The Ridge-tailed Dorid, scientifically known as Diaphorodoris lirulatocauda, features a ground color ranging from white to creamy-white, with mature individuals potentially exhibiting a darker hue mid-dorsally due to creamy gonads below. Its dorsum and dorsal surface of the tail may bear small flecks of opaque white. The dorsum is thickly set with numerous long, slender, white to yellowish-white tubercles, giving the animal a fuzzy appearance. Rhinophores are yellowish-white, typically with 6-10 lamellae, and branchial plumes range from 4-9, appearing unipinnate and yellowish-white. Individuals of this species are usually 10mm or less in length.

Habitat and Geographical Range

The Ridge-tailed Dorid is found along the eastern Pacific coast, inhabiting various marine environments, particularly rocky substrates.

What They Eat and How They Breed

As with other nudibranchs, Diaphorodoris lirulatocauda likely feeds on sessile invertebrates, such as sponges, bryozoans, or tunicates. They are hermaphrodites, meaning each individual possesses both male and female reproductive organs. Reproduction involves reciprocal sperm exchange during mating, followed by the laying of eggs in gelatinous masses on suitable substrates.

Similar Nudibranchs

There are several species of white dorid nudibranchs found in Monterey. For species often mistaken for the ridge-tailed dorid, check out these links.

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