Black Rockfish

Black Rockfish

Sebastes melanops

Physical Description

The Black Rockfish, known scientifically as Sebastes melanops, typically measures between 40 to 69 centimeters in length. Its body is dark gray, with a distinct light gray stripe running along the entire length of its lateral line. Notably, its mouth extends beyond the posterior edge of the eye, and its anal fin has a rounded posterior edge rather than a straight one.


These rockfish are commonly found in shallower regions of kelp forests along the eastern Pacific coast. They prefer midwater habitats within the kelp forest environment, where they can maneuver easily amidst the towering kelp fronds. Often observed in groups, they navigate through the kelp canopy with remarkable agility.

Geographical Range

The Black Rockfish inhabits a vast range along the eastern Pacific coast, stretching from the Aleutian Islands down to southern California. Within this range, it thrives in the cool waters of the Pacific, utilizing the diverse habitats provided by rocky reefs and kelp forests along the coastline.

What They Eat

As opportunistic feeders, Black Rockfish prey on a variety of small fishes, crustaceans, and mollusks found within their habitat. They are adept hunters, using their keen senses and swift movements to capture prey items amidst the complex structure of the kelp forest.