

Ophiodon elongatus


Ophiodon elongatus

The Lingcod, reaching lengths of up to 180 centimeters, boasts an elongate body adorned with a bluish-gray hue and speckled with brown spots. Its large mouth is filled with sharp, needle-like teeth, facilitating its predatory lifestyle.


Preferring the depths of coastal waters, Lingcod are benthic dwellers often found lurking amidst rocky substrates or submerged structures.

Geographical Range

From the frigid waters of Alaska to the northern reaches of Baja California, Lingcod roam the eastern Pacific coast, adapting to a range of marine environments.

What They Eat

As voracious predators, Lingcod primarily prey upon fish but also have a penchant for octopus and other invertebrates, playing a vital role in regulating coastal ecosystems.

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