Red Octopus

Red Octopus

Octopus rubescens

Physical Description

The Red Octopus, scientifically known as Octopus rubescens, boasts a characteristic appearance with its eight arms and a mantle length typically reaching 10 centimeters. Its body exhibits a red-brown hue, although it possesses the remarkable ability to swiftly alter its color, pattern, and texture, aiding in camouflage. Notably, it lacks obvious paired eye spots below the eyes near the base of its arms.


These octopuses are common along the eastern Pacific coast but are incredibly cryptic and elusive, rarely seen by human observers. They are primarily nocturnal creatures, preferring to venture out under the cover of darkness. Red Octopuses often inhabit semi-permanent dens located under rocks, within kelp holdfasts, and other sheltered sites where they can conceal themselves effectively.

Geographical Range

Red Octopuses can be found along the vast expanse of the eastern Pacific coast, ranging from Alaska in the north to the Baja Peninsula in the south. Their adaptability to various coastal habitats contributes to their widespread distribution in this region.

What They Eat

As opportunistic predators, Red Octopuses feed on a diverse array of prey, including crustaceans, mollusks, and small fish. Their agile tentacles and sophisticated hunting tactics enable them to capture and consume a wide range of marine organisms.

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