Two Spot Octopus

California Two-Spot Octopus

Octopus bimaculoides

Physical Description

The California Two-Spot Octopus, scientifically known as Octopus bimaculoides, is a fascinating cephalopod species characterized by its distinctive appearance. Typically, it boasts a mantle length of around 10 centimeters, with eight arms extending from its body. Notably, its name is derived from the two prominent spots located on each side of its mantle, which serve as distinguishing features. While its base coloration varies, ranging from reddish-brown to light tan, it has the remarkable ability to rapidly change its color and texture, allowing it to camouflage effectively in its environment.


Found along the eastern Pacific coast, the California Two-Spot Octopus inhabits a diverse array of coastal habitats. It can be encountered in rocky crevices, kelp forests, and other sheltered areas along the shoreline. This species exhibits nocturnal behavior, often seeking refuge in dens or burrows during the day and emerging to hunt at night.

Geographical Range

The California Two-Spot Octopus occupies a specific range along the eastern Pacific coast, spanning from its northernmost distribution in Alaska to its southern extent in Baja California. This species demonstrates adaptability to varying environmental conditions within this geographic range.

What They Eat

As voracious predators, California Two-Spot Octopuses have a diverse diet that includes crustaceans, mollusks, fish, and other small marine organisms. They employ their well-developed senses and agile arms to capture and manipulate prey effectively.

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